need to know the health history of, and medical emergency information
for, every child in your care. When a child enrolls in your child care
facility, you should find out:
- Where
parents can be reached--full names and work and home phone numbers and
- At least
2 people to contact if parents can't be reached--phone numbers and addresses.
- The child's
regular health care providers--names, addresses, and phone numbers.
- The hospital
that the child's family uses--name, address, and phone number.
- The date
of the child's last physical examination. Any child who has not had
a well baby or well child examination recently (within the past 6 months
for children under 2 years old and within 1 year for those 2 to 6 years
old) should be examined within 30 days of entering your child care facility.
- Any special
health problems or medical conditions that a child may have and procedures
to follow to deal with these conditions. Examples of conditions needing
procedures are allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and sickle cell
anemia. These conditions can cause sudden attacks that may require immediate
action. You should know 1) what happens to the child during a crisis
related to the condition, 2) how to prevent a crisis, 3) how to deal
with a crisis, and 4) whether you need training in a particular emergency
- The child's
vaccination status.
- Whether
the child has been evaluated with a TB skin test (using the Mantoux
method with tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD)).
You should
require that all children admitted to your care be up to date on their
vaccinations. Laws in many states require you to have written proof
of each child's up-to-date vaccinations. Children attending child care
especially need all of the recommended vaccinations to protect themselves,
the other children, the child care provider, and their families. Several
diseases that can cause serious problems for children and adults can be
prevented by vaccination. These diseases are chicken pox, diphtheria,
Haemophilus influenzae meningitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza,
measles, mumps, polio, rubella (German measles or 3-day measles), tetanus,
and whooping cough (pertussis). Many of these diseases are becoming less
common because most people have been vaccinated against them. But cases
still occur and children in child care are at increased risk for many
of these diseases because of the many hours they spend in close contact
with other children.
who are not up to date on their vaccinations should be taken out of child
care (excluded) until they have begun the series of shots needed. In the
absence of an outbreak, they may usually continue to attend child care
as long as they continue to receive the shots as recommended. Many
states require that children whose vaccinations are not up to date be
excluded from group care. Each child in your care should have a certificate
of up-to-date immunization in your files. In many states this is a legal
requirement and blank certificates are supplied by the state. Example
certificate is shown on the next page.
Front of form:
Georgia Department of Human Resources
__________________________________ Name
of Child (Last, First, Middle) |
__________________________________ Parent
or Guardian |
______________ Date of Birth |
______________ Date of MMR |
Month and Year Next Immunization Due
(This certificate expires at the end of the month shown) |
____Medical Exemption (Long Term Condition)
Name of Licensed Physician or
Health Department
____ |
Exemption |
____ |
School Attending
Signature |
Signature of Facility Director |
Date of Certification |
Date of Certification |
Form 3227 (Rev. 8-94) SEE THE OTHER
of form:
of all public and private facilities intended for the care, supervision
or instruction of children are required by law to keep on file a
certificate of immunization for each child who attends. (Section
20-2-771, Official Code of Georgia, Annotated) Schools (Kindergarten
through twelfth grade; ages 5-19) use DHR Form 3032. All other facilities
use this form.
A doctor
of medicine or osteopathy or a health department official may certify
immunizations by entering a date for MONTH AND YEAR NEXT
IMMUNIZATION DUE if a child is being immunized against
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B disease,
and polio in accord with standard immunization practices; and if
the child is older than 15 months and has been immunized against
measles, mumps, and rubella.
A doctor
of medicine or osteopathy or a health department official may check
the box for Medical Exemption if there are
long term medical reasons that immunizations might be harmful to
the child. A medical exemption does not expire until a doctor decides
it is safe to immunize.
director of a pre-school/child-care facility may check the box for
School Exemption and complete the certification
if a child is at least 5 years old and is known to be attending
a school. The director may check the box for Religious
Exemption only if a valid affidavit of religious conflict
has been received from a parent.
Form 3227 (Rev. 8-94) (Reverse Side)
The certificate
should state that the child is up to date for immunizations, list the
date when the next immunization is due (the date the certificate expires),
and be signed by the childs health care provider. As the date when
the next immunization is due approaches, you should remind the childs
parents of the pending immunization and request a new immunization certificate.
If the child is exempt from vaccination because of a medical condition
or religious objection, this should be noted on the immunization certificate
and supported in the childs file with documentation from the physician
or religious authority. Many states include the date of each immunization
on the immunization certificate. Rapid access to this information can
be very useful during an outbreak.
The following
table lists the current recommended schedule for routine immunization
of infants and children. Because this schedule changes frequently, you
should contact your local health department for annual updates.
Childhood Immunization Schedule
United States, July - December 1996
are listed under the routinely recommended ages. Bars Indicate range
of acceptable ages for vaccination. Shaded bars indicate catch-up
vaccination: at 11-12 years of age, hepatitis B vaccine should
be administered to children not previously vaccinated, and Varicella
Zoster Virus vaccine should be administered to children not previously
vaccinated who lack a reliable history of chickenpox.
by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians
(AAFP). |